How to get electricity at home

Contact us

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

You can reach us on all working days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on 020-82 00 00 or on
From abroad, please call +46 771 82 00 00.

If you have questions about district heating, please call 020-36 00 36.

We will answer your questions in English or Swedish. To the extent possible, we try to answer e-mails in your own language.

If you think you have been a victim of an attempted fraud, read more here.

Father and child sitting on a sofa

About your invoice

We let you choose how you prefer to receive your electricity bill. If you do not make a choice, a paper bill will be sent to your home address.

Moving boxes

When you move

We help you move your electricity. If you buy your electricity from us at Vattenfall, you can take your electricity contract with you to your new address.

Woman reading in bed with her cat

About district heating

District heating is a climate-smart energy system which heats over half of all commercial and residential buildings in Sweden.

Publicerad av Vattenfall AB Försäljning (elhandel)
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